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Advice for Newly Hired Ink Technician - a Survey

Advice for newly hired Analog Ink Technicians 
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Valuable Analog Ink Technician Skills

An eye for color
On a scale from 1 (not particularly important) to 10 (required) how valuable are the following skills for a newly hired Ink Technician to possess when s/he walks in the door?
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Ability to see the bigger picture
On a scale from 1 (not particularly important) to 10 (required) how valuable are the following skills for a newly hired Ink Technician to possess when s/he walks in the door?
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Ability to see the bigger picture
On a scale from 1 (not particularly important) to 10 (required) how valuable are the following skills for a newly hired Ink Technician to possess when s/he walks in the door?
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Comfort in repetition
On a scale from 1 (not particularly important) to 10 (required) how valuable are the following skills for a newly hired Ink Technician to possess when s/he walks in the door?
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Recognizing the value in the suppliers
On a scale from 1 (not particularly important) to 10 (required) how valuable are the following skills for a newly hired Ink Technician to possess when s/he walks in the door?
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Knowing the lingo
On a scale from 1 (not particularly important) to 10 (required) how valuable are the following skills for a newly hired Ink Technician to possess when s/he walks in the door?
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Knowledge of the press environment
On a scale from 1 (not particularly important) to 10 (required) how valuable are the following skills for a newly hired Ink Technician to possess when s/he walks in the door?
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Open to change
On a scale from 1 (not particularly important) to 10 (required) how valuable are the following skills for a newly hired Ink Technician to possess when s/he walks in the door?
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Organizational Skills
On a scale from 1 (not particularly important) to 10 (required) how valuable are the following skills for a newly hired Ink Technician to possess when s/he walks in the door?
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General Understanding of Alchemy
On a scale from 1 (not particularly important) to 10 (required) how valuable are the following skills for a newly hired Ink Technician to possess when s/he walks in the door?
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Frugality (appreciation for avoiding waste)
On a scale from 1 (not particularly important) to 10 (required) how valuable are the following skills for a newly hired Ink Technician to possess when s/he walks in the door?
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Ink Matching Know-how

Viscosity (high vs low)
Rank the following aspects of ink mixing/matching from 1 (don't panic, you'll learn this on the job) to 10 (you need to know this stuff before you walk through the door) s/he should study after being hired as an Ink Technician
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Substrate Variations
Rank the following aspects of ink mixing/matching from 1 (don't panic, you'll learn this on the job) to 10 (you need to know this stuff before you walk through the door) s/he should study after being hired as an Ink Technician
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Water Ink vs Solvent Ink
Rank the following aspects of ink mixing/matching from 1 (don't panic, you'll learn this on the job) to 10 (you need to know this stuff before you walk through the door) s/he should study after being hired as an Ink Technician
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Rank the following aspects of ink mixing/matching from 1 (don't panic, you'll learn this on the job) to 10 (you need to know this stuff before you walk through the door) s/he should study after being hired as an Ink Technician
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Amines and Glycols
Rank the following aspects of ink mixing/matching from 1 (don't panic, you'll learn this on the job) to 10 (you need to know this stuff before you walk through the door) s/he should study after being hired as an Ink Technician
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Rank the following aspects of ink mixing/matching from 1 (don't panic, you'll learn this on the job) to 10 (you need to know this stuff before you walk through the door) s/he should study after being hired as an Ink Technician
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Evaporation Rate
Rank the following aspects of ink mixing/matching from 1 (don't panic, you'll learn this on the job) to 10 (you need to know this stuff before you walk through the door) s/he should study after being hired as an Ink Technician
This is a required question

Challenges in the work place

Meetings with colleagues
On a scale from 1 (almost never) to 10 (virtually every day on the job) rank the following challenges an Ink Technician should be prepared to face
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Ink stains on clothing
On a scale from 1 (almost never) to 10 (virtually every day on the job) rank the following challenges an Ink Technician should be prepared to face
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Ink stains on hands
On a scale from 1 (almost never) to 10 (virtually every day on the job) rank the following challenges an Ink Technician should be prepared to face
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Disputes with customers
On a scale from 1 (almost never) to 10 (virtually every day on the job) rank the following challenges an Ink Technician should be prepared to face
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Heavy lifting
On a scale from 1 (almost never) to 10 (virtually every day on the job) rank the following challenges an Ink Technician should be prepared to face
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Boredom due to repetition
On a scale from 1 (almost never) to 10 (virtually every day on the job) rank the following challenges an Ink Technician should be prepared to face
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Working to deadline
On a scale from 1 (almost never) to 10 (virtually every day on the job) rank the following challenges an Ink Technician should be prepared to face
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Research into new methods and theories for Ink Matching
On a scale from 1 (almost never) to 10 (virtually every day on the job) rank the following challenges an Ink Technician should be prepared to face
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Hand Cleaners

How dirty should an Ink Technician expect to get?
On a scale from 1 (not at all) to 10 (expect to get your nice clothes and clean hands all stained up by the time you go home every day)
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Which cleaners would you recommend the Ink Technician use for removing ink stains from hands/skin?
You may check more than one.
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If there is an area of expertise that you would like to see covered as regards new Ink Technician hires, please describe it here:
Thank you for your invaluable input
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